Parent Coaching

I offer parent coaching services using a secure video platform. For this reason, these services are open to any interested families (regardless of geographic location). These services are different from direct occupational therapy and are not billable to insurance. 

  • Parent coaching is a great fit for parents looking for support around 1-3 specific areas (a few examples- executive functioning skills at home, sleep, toileting, and supporting sensory needs). 

  • I also have extensive knowledge about current research and strategies to support children (and parents) with ADHD. If you’re looking for specific strategies to support a child who was recently diagnosed with ADHD (or likely has ADHD), parent coaching could be a great starting point. 

  • I aim to empower you to establish new approaches and/or feel more confident in the ones you’re already using with your children on a daily basis.

    The initial coaching session includes a review of any reports you share with me, a sensory questionnaire for you to complete online, with the results shared at our first meeting (and via email, for your records); discussion of your top goals; suggestions for you to try at home before the next appointment; and ideas to share with teachers, as appropriate. Please let me know if you have any questions about parent coaching or if you’re interested in scheduling an initial appointment.