Home-Based Occupational Therapy

Children learn in the context of relationships, and their most influential relationships are the ones they have with their parents.

Let me help you:

  • Learn about your child's developmental and sensory needs

  • Show you how to "put yourself in your child's shoes" & more deeply understand their experience in the world

  • Work collaboratively with your child to build systems that support your everyday life

One service I provide, when appropriate, is the Interoception Awareness curriculum (for ages 5 and older)

If any of the following sound like your child, this curriculum could be beneficial —

  • Do they struggle to notice when they are hungry? 

  • Do they not realize they need to use the bathroom until it is very urgent, or have frequent accidents? 

  • Do they seem to go from calm to having a BIG emotional response very quickly?

Interoception is our awareness of internal body cues and how they relate to emotions and bodily functions.

I use Kelly Mahler's research-based curriculum to systematically help children learn to recognize and understand their internal feelings. This work is the foundation of self-regulation.